Disher Sound
Sound Creative

Why Disher
Creativity and technical excellence go hand in hand. We’ve mixed more than 200 films, countless hours of TV, and thousands of commercials since 1993. Our award winning staff utilizes our state-of-the-art tools in acoustically pristine environments to deliver world class sound in a highly collaborative process. We enhance your vision, sculpting your soundtrack to empower your story in your own unique style.
Voice Over & ADR
Three Ultra Low Noise Booths
Over 50 Microphones
ADR locally or remote sync
ISDN, Source Connect, Skype
Control room comfortably seats 11 + 2 engineers
Podcast roundtable - with up to 12 in booth plus remote
Sound Design
Customized soundscapes tailored to your vision
Project genres include: horror, drama, comedy, animation, industry, tech, nature/science, medical/MOA, etc.
Terabytes of sound effects in our library
Foley and live recorded effects
Vast array of virtual sound creation and manipulation tools
Industrial sound design for high-tech equipment/machinery
Soundmarks for branding
Ambisonic recording and binaural HRTF output
Mix & Editorial

Dolby 7.1.4 Atmos & DTS-X compliant mixing stage 24 x18 ft. with 12 ft. screen
JBL state-of-the-art monitor system
Over 200 films mixed
Thousands of commercials -TV & radio
Hundreds of VR/ interactive/game/animation
Extremely quiet and acoustically pristine rooms
State-of-the-art tools for every task

Over 30 films scored
Hundreds of commercials and marketing pieces custom composed
Huge collection of musical instruments
Highly experienced arranger for all styles
Stable of world class musicians for all styles
Music editorial and augmentation
Music recording and mixing
500 Sq ft main room + drum booth and large iso room.
Our Clients